Free Body Alert: Viva
There's a new body on the grid. Viva. It's a female fullbody: head, body, feet, hands, and then some. Bento & BOM, with tons of other options. And free, at least for now.
It comes with a ton of stuff. Scripts, skins, body parts, body part variations, and some clothes. There's more stuff here than bodies, even Ruth/Roth 2.0s, usually come with. It's low complexity, with all parts attached (body, head, hands, feet, eyes, nipples, areolas) it's under 8k in Firestorm.
It comes with a ton of stuff. Scripts, skins, body parts, body part variations, and some clothes. There's more stuff here than bodies, even Ruth/Roth 2.0s, usually come with. It's low complexity, with all parts attached (body, head, hands, feet, eyes, nipples, areolas) it's under 8k in Firestorm.
Let's give it a whirl.
There she is with all parts and included skin and shape. (The hair is No.Match and the eyes are Mayfly). She's a bit blocky, revealing her low-complexity status. The neck if very seam-y, even though I'm using BOM with the head and body on the same skin. It's still seam-y using a different skin. This is with a 7 Deadly S{k}ins skin and some shape tweaks:
Despite my best efforts, I couldn't get a girly shape from the head. Everything came out masculine. At least I was able to narrow the shoulders though. Whatever you do, don't make big boobs. This is what happens at Breast Size 100:
That's some serious torpedo action there.
The HUD has more stuff than I was expecting. With the exception of facial animations (and makeup, but that's coming), it has everything needed to drive a head and body.
What clothes can she wear? With no alphas, here she is wearing a recent Beautiful Dirty Rich group gift, note that the nipples and areolas are mesh attachments:
The HUD has more stuff than I was expecting. With the exception of facial animations (and makeup, but that's coming), it has everything needed to drive a head and body.
- 5 Nail types with 32 color presets. The entire RGB is available. Also, you can use your own images
- 3 foot heights
- Skin is tintable with entire RGB
- 3 sizes for areolas, tintable with entire RGB
- 5 sizes for nipples, tintable with entire RGB
- Numerous tintable layers
- 12 hand poses
- Ability to control attachments with some added work
- Alpha cuts:
What clothes can she wear? With no alphas, here she is wearing a recent Beautiful Dirty Rich group gift, note that the nipples and areolas are mesh attachments:
For more "full coverage" clothing it looks like you can get away with most anything so long as you use your alphas. But what about stuff that is hard to alpha, like this bikini from Paper Sparrow:
That's going to be a little more difficult to alpha and this body will need clothes that fit it. Which is why the body is free right now, creators are needed, and creators won't create unless people are using. Chickens and eggs.
That's going to be a little more difficult to alpha and this body will need clothes that fit it. Which is why the body is free right now, creators are needed, and creators won't create unless people are using. Chickens and eggs.
I'm going to have to agree with Ryan Schultz that releasing a new body in this environment is challenging task. Not only are there already a number of creators trying to pick away at the big dogs with free or inexpensive offerings with varying degrees of success. But even amongst the big dogs, Slink is currently falling out of favor. Just today I noticed yet another popular creator's new releases didn't have a Slink size. If Slink is loosing ground, how do the new folks stand a chance?
That's not to say this is a bad body, or they shouldn't try to make some in-roads amongst the creators. Perhaps Viva could leverage a niche. It's a low complexity body and script-light, so maybe this could be great for folks that do a lot of driving, flying, boating or other script-heavy activities.
Ultimately there will be 3 versions of this body. One barebones version for free, a full version for full price (Level 3), and one in the middle with some of the features absent for a discount (Level 2). Right now Level 2 & 3 are free. Check them out, maybe you'll want to use it or create for it.
MP: Level 2
MP: Level 3
Homepage (it's on altervista but there's no problems with the site)
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