Free Head Alert: Catwa Freya


Another free head has appeared! This one is unisex so everyone, go go go to Catwa! It's a group gift, either of Catwa's groups work.

My male alt snuck in after a sim restart and grabbed the head (he needs a head, so he went first). It's in the gift sections of either of the Catwa sims. So don't fret about which sim to land in, just pick one. If the vendor doesn't render in one sim, cam to the other. Grab it and get out, the entire grid is trying to get in.

(Update: Actually, scratch the gift rooms, there's 4 vendors at the landing zone)

Update Update: Scratch anything about the Catwa main store, they've moved to:
Spot 1
Spot 2
Spot 3

Update Update Update: Forget everything about trying to get this in-world. It's on the marketplace now!

Since this is unisex, I did some quick comparison shots of the default shapes in various arrangements of parts.

Still working on a male shape I'm happy with, this is what I've conjured up so far: 

Maybe I'll just wait till a good freebie shows up.

Good luck getting into Catwa. They've said they'll keep it free until everyone has one that wants one, so don't panic if you don't get in right away.

Male Body: [The Shops] Classic Male (Group Gift (maybe 1L) / Free Group)
Female Body: [The Shops] Classic Female (Group Gift (maybe 1L) / Free Group)
Head: [Catwa] Freya (Group Gift / Free Group)
Male Skin: [7 Deadly S{k}ins] Sven
Female Skin: [7 Deadly S{k}ins] Akayla (Stay at Home Club Gift)
Hair: [Exile] Knox Split Colors (Stay at Home Club Gift)

[Etham] Zac Hoodie


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