Free Head Alert: Catwa Freya
Another free head has appeared! This one is unisex so everyone, go go go to Catwa! It's a group gift, either of Catwa's groups work.
My male alt snuck in after a sim restart and grabbed the head (he needs a head, so he went first).
Update Update Update: Forget everything about trying to get this in-world. It's on the marketplace now!
Since this is unisex, I did some quick comparison shots of the default shapes in various arrangements of parts.
Still working on a male shape I'm happy with, this is what I've conjured up so far:
Good luck getting into Catwa. They've said they'll keep it free until everyone has one that wants one, so don't panic if you don't get in right away.
Male Body: [The Shops] Classic Male (Group Gift (maybe 1L) / Free Group)
Female Body: [The Shops] Classic Female (Group Gift (maybe 1L) / Free Group)
Head: [Catwa] Freya (Group Gift / Free Group)
Male Skin: [7 Deadly S{k}ins] Sven
Female Skin: [7 Deadly S{k}ins] Akayla (Stay at Home Club Gift)
Hair: [Exile] Knox Split Colors (Stay at Home Club Gift)
[Etham] Zac Hoodie
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